Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Keeping House

There are a few (and I mean a very few times) when I'm actually a little bit ahead of housework enough to fold a load clothes as they come out of the dryer. It is on these days, that I feel such a deep sense of accomplishment. It's a moment of feeling like I'm actually swimming instead of just treading water.

Today was one of those days. And as I folded that one (glorious one) warm load of laundry, the absurdity of taking delight and even a feeling of accomplishment in a load of laundry hit me kind of right in the face. My first though was "How silly! It's a load of laundry--not a big deal! My how things have changed!" Then, such a thanksgiving and peace settled over me because "My how things have changed!" and it's all because GOD changed ME!!! And, He truly has used the simple things to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27).

You see, I'm a type A kind of girl. For whatever reason, growing up, I've always felt driven to do and be the best--to win, to answer first, to get it all right. I didn't just want to be in the group; I wanted to lead the group.
It was a lot of pressure, and I put it on myself. I thrived on that pressure.

When God filled me with the Holy Ghost, He had to start working on that part of me because while achievement can be good--it can't be your God. It was a little here, a little there and looking back I can see now some pretty pivotal moments where He was gently guiding me to look less at my resume and more at Him to find worth.

It is in being a mom, however, that He has taught me the most. I think the hardest part of being a mom is the constant sacrificing of self and, because of the purity of the offering, the anonymity of it all. No one tells you about that part of it. Yes, you know there will be late nights and early mornings but mommas and daddies do a lot for their kiddos that no one ever one but the Father.

My mom made it look easy. She has always said that she would rather be behind the scenes helping, anyway. That's what she has always been for us--behind the scenes...helping, giving, sacrificing.

But that was precisely the thing that was tough for me--getting off the stage--digging in behind the scenes, handing out the props, putting on the costumes, handing over the microphone....getting ME out of the way.

So, today when I took delight in laundry, I remembered what God has done. I remembered that success isn't in my career or my list of degrees or affiliations or awards. Success is in the LORD; success is in my home.

Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalms 37:4

Sent from Amanda's iPhone

God Bless!

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